Jefferson Lab Speed Test


Ping is a measurement of how long it takes individual chunks of data to travel between your computer and the JLab test server. Ping is measured several times during the speed test and an average of the results is displayed. Lower ping values are better.

Jitter is the difference between the largest tested ping time and the smallest tested ping time, in milliseconds. Jitter reflects the quality of your connection, and higher jitter time indicates instabilities on the network somewhere between you and the JLab test server. Lower jitter values are better.

Recommended Speeds for Remote Work

Teams Video Chat Minimum Recommended
Download Speed 2 Mbps 50 Mbps
Upload Speed 2 Mbps 20 Mbps

If your upload and download speeds exceed the recommended values above and you are still having problems then there may be issues with the reliability of your connection, as evidenced by higher Ping and Jitter times.

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